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Cw2- Past, present and future presentation production log (4017)

Week 1


On our first week back to university after our winter break. We was introduced to the course work and deliverables that we needed to complete. Once I got home I drafted a quick plan so I knew what steps I needed to take and then I started brain storming ideas.

Week 2


 The first song I started working on was “Day Dream” my past song. The first thing I did was incorporate a nursery rhyme that my late great grandmother used to sing to me as a lead melody and base for my song. I also wanted to add influences of my Saint Lucian heritage by making the tack  genre Zuck a form of (Soca).

Week 3


 This week I changed my original idea for my song from a rnb song into a soca song to incorporate parts of my culture and identity into the overall sound. Not only am I singing about my upbringing but how my environment shaped me into the person I was about to become. The defence mechanisms I used during this song later translate into my safe place with I later understand to be my creative place.

Week 4


At some point this week I started working on my second song which is my song for the future “No more pain” I was experimenting with this one using pre-sets, samples and ideas from popular music that I like the genre of. This is more rnb / garage with heavy jazz influences. The call and response with the harp and chimes as well as the repetitive jazz piano improvisation provides a syncopated chordal underpinning that embodies the jazz sound.

Week 5


 From time to time I went back and added and or removed different things to build on both of my songs. In terms of my work and my productivity I have learnt that I work well under pressure and deadlines and time restraints help to motivate me and give me passionate momentum. I have always been told I wasn’t good enough, so fighting against my odds is a real testimony to my drive and character. It may seem like I’m working harder than I have to where it seems rushed but it’s more important for me to ignite my authenticity and passion then it is to pace it and concentrate on content only. That’s when my fight or flight responses kick in. I believe it or not I am most comfortable when I’m uncomfortable and over-coming barrios. My whole live has been a massive hurdle I’m contiously jumping to reach the other side, I’m still hoping beyond the bumps is a higher ground.

Week 6


I really concentrated on my lyric writing this week. I thought about my past and started to write some ideas down I will add structure and melodies to it later on. When it came to my song "Day Dream" I wanted it to be like blues music, where it talks about a melocony subject but throught the musicallity there is always a resolution. The bridge is a response to my verse's. The song is about riding in cars growing up, the best part of my relationship with my Mum was our journeys but arriving at the destination of before hand we would aways be neck to neck and clash. Basically, our journeys before or after the chaos. But the resolution with in the conflict was us listening to music in the car on our journey. 

Week 7


This week I started to add the audio components to my tracks. I thought of the sounds that would make my tracks sound fuller and add some colour. Where I do not own any other instruments other than my voice and keyboard, I started to look at different objects around my room and experimenting with them to see how I can make sounds. I used a tambourine, containers with pumpkin seeds, my hands as percussion and other miscellaneous objects to create sound. 

Week 8


When I think about my present song nothing in my life stands out more than my current break-up. This influenced me to express those emotions and feelings this person was a part of my future plans. It may not be about my current journey as an artist explicitly but implicitly writing has been a great way for me to vent. I used this pain as a vice of material to fuel my creativity and embody my identity in the present tense state.


Week 9


The influence behind the production of my present track came from the music I grow up listening to, with artists such as Pink, Aaliyah and Christina Aguilera and groups like 411, TLC and Destiny's child. All these artists combined were the inspiration behind my track. I tried to use elements of their signature 90's/noughties sound. I wanted to create a nostalgic feeling when you listened to my songs as if my track belonged in that era. To give the lister a strong feeling of where my musicality began.

Week 10


I started to really experiment with my past track I really wanted to get the authenticity of Zouk music a sub-genre of soca music form my dad’s country saint Lucia. I wanted it to feel like you were at the noting hill carnival so in the bridge I incorporated steel pans in the breakdown.

Week 11


This week I laid down the vocals for my future track and pinpointed characteristics of a garage/ jazz fusion for my future track I wanted it to sound like jazz meets the noughties garage. The concept behind my lyrics was to be reborn I wanted to use the song as an analogy as if the old me was dying and my new life and self was starting. I used words like "It's my time" "so i'm moving on" to describe my rebranding, I made sure to be as clear as i could in my verses to make it obviously that it was about life not life. 

Week 12


This week I really concentrated on my essay. I wanted to plan and structure my written work as well as trying to incorporate my practical elements within it.

Week 13


This week I found visuals for my work to bring some colour and clarity to my work. I also searched for some pictures from my past and present day to include. And continued to write and structure my essay.

Week 14


This week I had a break from my work so really refresh my mind and allow myself to come back to things with fresh ideas and a different prospective on things.

Week 15


In terms of my work and my productivity I have learnt that I work well under pressure and deadlines and time restraints help to motivate me and give me passionate momentum. I have been adding to my work week by week by I needed to pressure of the deadline to push me to piece it altogether in the end.  I have always been told I wasn’t good enough, so fighting against my odds is a real testimony to my drive and character. It may seem like I’m working harder than I have to where it seems rushed but it’s more important for me to ignite my authenticity and passion then it is to pace it and concentrate on content only. That’s when my fight or flight responses kick in. I believe it or not I am most comfortable when I’m uncomfortable and over-coming barrios. My whole live has been a massive hurdle I’m contiously jumping to reach the other side, I’m still hoping beyond the bumps is a higher ground.

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